Integrate with AlcoDroid
AlcoDroid is an alcohol consumption tracker, drinks diary and blood alcohol content calculator. AlcoDroid helps you get a better handle of what you drink and change your drinking habits. Optionally it also tracks costs of your drinks.
AlcoDroid also provides an estimate of your blood alcohol content (BAC) based on the drinks you've logged, plots your BAC development in a chart and indicates when you get below the legal limit or back to sobriety.

This app has no API or data export option, as far as we know.
Anonymous commented
Data fields per entry are
-drink started (as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss)
-drink finished (same time format)
-drink name (usually from a small number of (user-editable) presets)
-drink volume (ml) (tied to the chosen drink preset)
-alcohol content (%) (tied to the chosen drink preset)
-equivalence in standard drink units (calculated from the user-selected preset, ca. 10 national standard unit presets available, non-editable) -
Anonymous commented
It does have an export option (at least by now), which exports all data fields from the entire history as tab-separated values, as far as I can tell.