Mobile App
Provide a simple, general-purpose mobile app for recording custom data, e.g. a cup of coffee, or the current mood.
Erik Bjäreholt commented
This could be made into an open source effort. Unfortunately I'm not sure if I'm comfortable enough with mobile app dev to help get such a thing started. But if you are looking to expand your userbase an app is sure to draw quite some attention. A possible downside is that mobile app users are pretty entitled when it comes to having the full set of features available in-app. This sense of entitlement could in worst case lead to bad reviews on the app stores due to complains of missing features. But given the number of votes this has now I'd say there's more to gain from it than lose.
Simple proposal for a minimal feature-set for a first version mobile app:
- List buckets and their latest events
- Add/edit/delete events
- Be able to quickly fill event form from history to speed up loggingI think the webapp should be first priority, but a app could be a very powerful tool to gain new users. As always: keep up the awesome work Eric!
AdminEric Jain (CEO / Founder, Zenobase) commented
If you're on Android: Zenobase now integrates with the Trackthisforme app. This works quite well for logging simple numeric values, see the demo at
AdminEric Jain (CEO / Founder, Zenobase) commented
Currently talking to some app developers (e.g. Tap Log) to see if they'd be interested in integrating their tracking apps with Zenobase, but we'll see...
btw I'll be glad to help set up the Reporter config file.
Jacob Sam-La Rose commented
Yes, please! I use Reporter (though I've yet to get round to setting up a config file so I can pull data into Zenobase). I'd be very interested in something that would allow me to capture data beyond the scope of my Reporter questions...
AdminEric Jain (CEO / Founder, Zenobase) commented
Zenobase can import data from the Reporter app (see, but Reporter's sampling approach isn't ideal for many purposes, e.g. recording what time you drank your last cup of coffee, and doesn't support quantitative data as well as qualitative data.
Anonymous commented
Did you try Reporter?