MyTracks data (.kmz) files that we can import via Google Drive.

If you connect My Tracks to Google Fit, you can use the “google-activities” task to import a summary of each tracklog into Zenobase, or you can use the “google-locate” task to geotag data already in Zenobase.
AdminEric Jain (CEO / Founder, Zenobase) commented
My Tracks can now connect to Google Fit, which is one way to get that data into Zenobase. However, My Tracks currently doesn't share stats like distance or pace via Google Fit, so all you'll see in Zenobase is the start location, and the begin and end timestamps.
Anonymous commented
A general GPX importer would be of great interest!
southernroutes commented
I'm just realizing that a .kmz file probably doesn't contain some of the other useful data that is being captured. There's an export feature within MyTracks that allows you to dump that meta data into a CSV file. Unfortunately, you can't export all of your recorded tracks to Google Drive, just to your device's SD card. You can export individual tracks directly to Drive, though. (There are export options for kml/gpx/tcx files as well).
Here are the fields it exports in the CSV:
Total Time
Moving Time
Distance Unit
Average Speed
Average Moving Speed
Max Speed
Speed Unit
Elevation Gain
Min Elevation
Max Elevation
Elevation UnitWell, I just discovered your CSV import tutorial and will be trying to get this CSV into a new bucket soon so I can play with and filter the data.